About me

Allison M.Hello there, everyone, and thanks for checking me out!  My name is Allison, and I am a male-to-female crossdresser who lives in the wonderful city of Madison, Wisconsin (hence my WordPress URL).  My normal life is spent as a button-down man of a certain mature age.  (Over 50?! Yikes!)  But when I dress up and become Allison, I’m 21 years old and holding, a display of free-spirited femininity and youthfulness when sporting any article of feminine attire.

Admittedly, I don’t get to dress up as Allison all the time, and more often than not it’s within the secure privacy of home, which is definitely the most comfortable place to express and perfect my femininity.  Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ve never left the house en femme.  Indeed, I’ve been breaking out of my shell and venturing out as Allison more often in recent years.  Showing my feminine side to the real world (or at least a friendly and supportive community) has been an incredible feeling.

So, what’s the purpose of this blog, you may ask?  Well:

  • I want to share thoughts and experiences about being a crossdresser and how it has affected my attitudes and outlook on life.  Mind you, I’m more than just a pretty face.
  • I also want to share stories about my life in general.  If you’re expecting every single post to be about dressing up, I’m sorry to disappoint you.  Again, I’m so much more than a guy in a skirt.
  • I’m always challenging myself to be honest and adventurous in my writing, so every now and again you’ll find a bit of poetry created by yours truly.
  • I’m sort of an amateur fashionista (emphasis on “amateur”), and if some tidbit about a fashionable something or someone piques my interest, be it a cute outfit or the craziest trend, I’ll do my best to highlight it here.
  • I love to say good words about the open-minded people of the world, from fellow crossdresers to the LGBT+ community as a whole and anyone else open-minded and supportive of girls like me (and, yes, thank you for identifying me with female pronouns).  If you fall in any of those categories, know that I’ll have your back here.
  • And I’ve grown accustomed to life in Madison (where I’ve lived since 2002), so I’ll share thoughts on this wonderfully vibrant town and my experiences here.

I try to post at least one new blog entry per week, or at the very least whenever the inspiration to post comes up.  Feel free to read my past and current entries, and feel free as well to leave your kind comments.  If you just wanna drool over how cute I look, by all means check out my Flickr profile.  Feel free, too, to send me your compliments, advice, or even a simple “hello” (I’m a sucker for a kind word or two, or several).  And if you see me leaving you a good word, consider it a well deserved compliment.  Thanks again for reading! 🙂

14 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hello Allison, Lovely to come across your site. May I say I enjoyed your poem on the warming weather and a less welcome warmth of feeling around difference.
    But isn’t it reassuring when we run across someone who is just accepting and generous with us? And hopefully we can be a bit more accepting in general of difference having experienced some forms of transgenderism.
    Enjoy spring but give a thought as we in Australia slip into autumn / fall. Still, time for tight jeans, big coats and the like. Kind regards, Geraldine

    Liked by 1 person

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